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young woman talking to therapist


通过研究大脑功能和人类行为之间的联系, 心理学可以积极地影响集体结果,也可以很好地影响个人...

How to Get a PhD in Psychology (10 Steps)
woman talking to a person

How to Get a PhD in Psychology (10 Steps)

心理学博士学位是终极学位,是你对这门学科的承诺的象征,也是你知识和技能的代表. Held by...

Lifting Up the Next Generation of Female Leaders
Sohee Jun

Lifting Up the Next Generation of Female Leaders

“当我运用我的超能力去理解女性在工作场所面临的挑战时,我是最有价值和最有服务的.” Dr. Sohee Jun uses her...

What to Do When a Client Shuts Down in Therapy
couple in therapy

What to Do When a Client Shuts Down in Therapy

If dialogue is the bedrock of quality therapy, 当他们的客户在咨询过程中变得沉默寡言甚至沉默时,治疗师该怎么办? It’s a...