
Dr. 亚伦米. Wester is a professor and STEM 程序 Director for the 理学硕士 in 数据分析 (MSDA), 理学硕士 in 医疗分析 (MSHA), and 理学硕士 in 资讯系统科技 (MSIST)  programs for the 加州 School of Management and 领导 (CSML). Dr. 韦斯特持有商业管理学士学位, 技术管理工商管理硕士学位, and a Doctor of Management in Organizational 领导, Information Studies and Technology from the University of 凤凰城. He has led innovative global 分析 and 商业智能 initiatives for clients including Google, 微软, 苹果, 脸谱网, 贝宝, 索尼, 英特尔, t - mobile, 华特迪士尼公司, 直觉, 英特尔, 好事达, 国歌, NBC新闻, 博纳维尔国际, and a number of other Fortune 500 organizations. Dr. Wester has previously instructed at Brigham Young University, 南新罕布什尔大学, Westcliff大学, 宁夏大学, 天津大学. Dr. Wester is a published author and public speaker. His research interests include Artificial 英特尔ligence (AI) generative chat bots, calm 分析 strategies in Internet-of-Things (IoT) device constructs, organic owned media optimization tactics and behavioral user engagement influences in predictive 机器学习 environments.


定量研究, 数据科学, 商业智能, 分析, 数据管理, 用户体验设计, 统计数据, 机器学习, web开发, 虚拟现实集成, 增强现实设计, 响应设计, 新兴的电子游戏创新颠覆, 交互设计