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Areas of Law for J.D. Students

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如果你是黄金时段电视节目的粉丝,你可能会对一个西装笔挺的律师在法官和陪审团面前为一个精彩的案件辩护的场景很熟悉, 对于法律领域的大多数人来说,这远远不是对真实就业情况的准确描述. 律师包括广度和深度的专业-每个人都有自己独特的法律专业领域.

在开始之前,你不需要知道你想从事哪个领域的法律工作 law school教育往往是一次发现之旅, 毕竟,在你开始深入的法律学习之前,了解一下美国法律实践的不同领域是有帮助的. 以下类型的法律是法律界中比较常见的一些实践领域.

Criminal Law

大量的节目证明了这一点,比如 Law & Order on television today, this may be the most well-known field of practice. 简而言之,刑法关注的是对犯罪的人的惩罚. 检察官和地区检察官代表国家利益起诉被控犯罪的人,而他们的同行, 刑事辩护律师, are tasked with defending the rights of the accused. If you are looking for a legal career centered in the courtroom, criminal law could be the right avenue for you. But it’s not all courtroom work—you’ll have to do extensive research, draft legal briefs, fill out paperwork, and meet with lots of individuals outside the courtroom.

Elder Law

长者法包括一系列与长者及其家庭有关的法律事宜, as well as the disabled. Elder lawyers provide services and advocacy on topics including financial and physical abuse and neglect; nursing home litigation; and end-of-life issues. 鉴于该国人口迅速老龄化, demand for elder attorneys is anticipated to rise in the years ahead.

Employment Law

雇主与雇员的关系是复杂的. 就业法规定了雇主和工人之间的责任和权利,以确保公平的做法. 就业律师关注的领域包括歧视(性别、种族、年龄等).)、骚扰、报复、差别待遇和建设性解雇等. 根据他们为雇主或雇员工作的一方,就业法中的工作可能会有很大的不同. 雇主方面的雇佣律师可以帮助确保他们的公司遵守联邦劳动法,或者在雇佣纠纷中代表公司. 从事企业员工方面业务的就业律师可能在歧视或不当解雇案件中代表客户, 或者他们可能专门研究劳资关系, providing counsel and services to labor unions.

Entertainment Law

娱乐法包括娱乐行业的所有法律服务. 该领域的律师经常就包括知识产权在内的问题向客户提供咨询, business, contracts, taxation, securities, international, immigration, employment/labor, and litigation. 不像其他定义明确的法律领域,有大量的案例可以依赖, entertainment law can sometimes be an indistinct field, with entertainment lawyers required to know a wide variety of areas of law, 而且经常被要求提供法律知识领域之外的服务.

Family and Juvenile Law

Family and juvenile law comprises legal topics pertaining to marriage, other domestic unions, and children. 家庭和青少年律师代表客户处理离婚和婚姻无效等事务, division of property, 监护权和探视权, child support, and alimony. This area of the law also comprises issues related specifically to children, including guardianship, state child protection, adoption, domestic violence, and restraining orders. 在家庭法领域,律师也可以专攻某些领域,如收养法. Most family lawyers either work in small or mid-size law practices, 非营利组织, 或地方/州政府机构.


知识产权法(IP law)涉及保护发明人的权利, authors, 和企业的想法, creations, inventions, 识别标志(如商标). Lawyers within this field usually specialize in a specific area, and as such usually become experts in their particular domain. 知识产权法的个别领域包括专利法和版权法. 作为联邦专利专家, trademark, and copyright laws, 以及国家商业秘密法, 知识产权律师就与保护知识产权有关的事项向客户提供建议, including everything from tangible things to written and artistic expressions.

International Law

每个国家都有自己的法律,但是国家之间的互动呢? Enter international law. 一个广泛而多样的领域, international law deals with issues of business and trade, criminal disputes, and human rights issues. On the private side, international lawyers can find employment in large corporations, law firms or even banks, 从事金融和贸易方面的法律事务. Fewer opportunities exist on the public side of international law, 哪一个可以处理与主权国家或移民和难民法有关的问题.

Real Estate Law

On paper, real estate law is a simple issue: Who owns land, and who may use it? In reality, it’s significantly more complicated. Real estate lawyers are involved with the comprehensive business of real estate, including the selling, buying, and leasing of residential and commercial land, buildings, housing, natural resources, 以及其他与房地产相关的利益. 这类工作通常是交易性质的,房地产律师参与起草, negotiating, 完成房地产协议.


这些是一些较为常见的法律领域,但它们远不是唯一的. Other potential specializations include bankruptcy law, 商业(公司)法, admiralty law, constitutional law, environmental law, healthcare law, civil rights law, immigration law, military law, personal injury law, and tax law. 虽然这个名单看起来很详尽, 这对那些希望在法律事业上有所成就的未来律师来说是个好消息:有这么多的选择, you’re sure to find the perfect specialization for your legal career.

At 旧金山法学院 以及加州圣地亚哥分校,我们为学生提供全面的法律学位课程. In addition to core classes in the general principles of law, we also offer classes in many of the above practice areas, such as elder law, employment law, family law, 以及国际法,让我们的学生有机会在毕业前探索广泛的领域,并决定他们的职业道路. 研究一下哪所法学院适合你选择学习的法律领域也很重要.

如果你想了解更多关于旧金山(主校区)或圣地亚哥(分校)的阿连特加州法学院的信息, please 联系beat365手机版官方网站顾问, or give us a call at 1-866-825-5426.


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