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《beat365手机版官方网站》于2000年首次在电视上播出, introducing many people to the unique field of forensics. 尽管它最终在15年后停播(同时衍生出了几部衍生剧), 节目中精明的调查人员给许多观众留下了深刻的印象. 

The California School of Forensic Studies (CSFS) 在阿连特国际大学是专门针对培养学生在犯罪学和刑事司法领域的法医学.

However, this leaves many students to wonder, 犯罪学和刑事司法学位和职业道路有什么区别?

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What is Criminology?

Are criminology and criminal justice the same? Not exactly. 犯罪学涵盖了对犯罪及其背后原因的研究.

学生在CSFS接受深入的理论培训, research, 以及用于更好地理解犯罪发生的原因以及如何防止犯罪在未来发生的实用技术. This field is similar to sociology, because in addition to studying the act itself, 它努力了解犯罪对受害者和社区的社会影响. 犯罪学还涉及许多其他领域,如心理学、法学和政治学.2

在犯罪学领域中,有不同的专业领域. For instance, at CSFS, students in our PhD in Law and Public Policy online program 可以选择犯罪行为、冲突解决和危机管理的专业吗. 那些学习犯罪学的人可能会在各种各样的环境中从事职业, including law enforcement training and education, consulting, security training, public policy, and corrections.

What is Criminal Justice?

Rather than focusing on why crime happens, criminal justice looks at what to do about it.

Of course, 现实生活中的工作往往不像电视上描绘的那样光鲜亮丽, 但是接受刑事司法的本科培训或攻读犯罪学的研究生培训可以让你在理解和打击美国的犯罪方面发挥真正的作用.3

阿连特国际大学加州法医研究学院教授的课程由具有犯罪学和刑事司法高级专业知识的教师提供便利. Upon program completion, 学生们准备进入有前途的职业,真正对受害者的生活产生影响, families, and society as a whole.

For more information about our CSFS programs, contact us today.


  1. 《beat365手机版官方网站》.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Accessed November 23, 2021.…;
  2. “Criminology.” Criminology - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Accessed November 23, 2021.…;
  3. Criminal justice vs. criminology. Accessed November 23, 2021.…;

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